Community Connect Loans

We offer a wide variety of loans. You may need a personal loan for car repairs, to pay taxes, medical expenses, or take a vacation.

When it is time to purchase a new vehicle, the credit union offers excellent rates with a variety of terms.

Currently, we offer the following types of loans:

  • New/Used Car/Truck
  • Campers
  • Motorcycles
  • ATVs & Snowmobiles
  • Personal or Signature
  • Share Secured
  • Low-Interest VISA Credit Card

Link to trustage insurance
Click to TruStage Auto Insurance website.

Payments can be paid monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, or semi-monthly. You can choose automatic transfers from your checking or savings account on any particular day of each month, or from your direct deposits, or just mail your payments.

We also offer debt protection with reasonable premiums and GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) Insurance at an affordable rate!